Bigger city; does not mean a better treatment. There was a time when for higher end treatments people used to travel to metros like Mumbai and Delhi. Today...
Cancer of gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract is a major health problem all over the world, it is a substantial portion of all cancers and its incidence has been increasing day by day. Gastrointestinal cancer includes cancer of food pipe, stomach, large an...
I do not forget this patient; not because I did a miracle surgery but because she is an ultimate fighter. She has come to a long long way, experienced life & death at very young age, tolerated a very difficult time bravely and now she is back to the lif...
Terminology. GI surgeon, gastrointestinal surgeon, gastro surgeon, surgical gastroenterologist, gastric surgeon, gastroenterology surgeon. These all are same. I feel GI surgeon is a better term for people because surgical gastroenterology is too long and difficu...
I learnt a new meaning of patriotism today. 15th August 2017.
You make a road show, few bikes and a four wheeler with people popping out of the open windows, few purposeless people, with colorful goggles put on, a music system running bollywood dance songs...