

  1. Mohite P, Bhatnagar A, Hathila VP, Mistry J. Patent vitellointestinal Duct with prolapsed ileal loop: A case report. J Medi Case Reports 2007;1:49

  2. Mohite P, Mistry J, Mehta H, Patra BS. Ascaris Worm in the intercostal drainage bag, an inadvertent intercostal tube insertion into jejunum: a case report. J Cardiothoracic Surg 2010;5:125

  3. Mistry J, Pawar S, Mehta H, Popov AF, Mohite P. Primary pulmonary blastoma of monophasic variety- diagnosis and management. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2013,8:144

  4. Mistry J, Varma V, Mehta N, Nundy S, Kumaran V, Gupta A. Percutaneous Transhepatic Hepaticogastrostomy: An Innovative Option for Portal Biliopathy. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2011; 32(S3): S 51.

  5. Mistry J, Kumaran V, Varma V, Kapoor S, Nundy S, Mehta N. Post-cholecystectomy benign biliary stricture with atrophy hypertrophy complex mimicking type IV Bismuth stricture: a case report. Tropical Gastroenterology 2014;35(1):58–60.

  6. Mistry JH. Type of the Paper: The Meaning Should Not Be Overlooked. Indian J Surg. 2014;76(5):426. doi:10.1007/s12262-014-1155-x

  7. Mistry J, Nundy S. A man with abdominal pain and melaena. Natl Med J India. 2013 Nov-Dec;26(6):348-52. PMID: 25073995.

  8. Mistry JH, Yadav A, Nundy S. Ampullary carcinoma in a patient with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: a case report. Indian J Surg. 2015;77 (Suppl 1):32-34. doi:10.1007/s12262-014-1082-x

  9. Haribhakti SP, Mistry JH. Techniques of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Nomenclature and selection. J Minim Access Surg. 2015;11(2):113-118. doi:10.4103/0972-9941.140220

  10. Gupta AK, Madnani M, Mistry J, Soni H, Shah A, Patel KS, Mehta N, Dileep P, Chandra S, Haribhakti S. Primary hyperparathyroidism with pancreatitis: experience of management in 5 patients with review of literature. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep;33(5):48

  11. Madnani MA, Patel TJ, Gupta AK, Mistry JH, Soni HN, Shah AJ, Patel KS, Haribhakti SP. Novel Trocarless, Scarless Technique for Left Lobe Liver Retraction in Laparoscopic Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeries: Simple, Cost-effective and with Better Cosmesis. In

  12. Haribhakti SP, Mistry JH. Training in advanced laparoscopy in India. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):136-137

  13. Mistry J. Impact of Liver transplant experience on liver resection, accepted in J Transpl Tech Res 2015,5:1

  14. Mistry J. Corruption in clinical practice in India. Jitendra H Mistry. International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2(2):110-113

  15. Bhoy T, Lalwani S, Mistry J, Varma V, Kumaran V, Nundy S, Mehta N. Primary hepatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Trop Gastroenterol. 2014;35:252–253.

  16. Madnani MA, Mistry JH, Soni HN, Shah AJ, Patel KS, Haribhakti SP. Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy ileal pouch anal anastomosis: How I do it?. J Minim Access Surg. 2015;11(3):218-222. doi:10.4103/0972-9941.140204

  17. Mistry JH, Haribhakti SP. Standard port placement for laparoscopic pancreatic surgery: how I do it? General Surgery 2017;1(1):1 - 8

  18. Mistry J, Mistry D, Manshingani S, Kacchi U. Isolated liver tuberculosis: a case report and review of literature. MOJ surgery 2017:4(3);70

  19. Mistry J, Kapadia S, Mistry D. Mattox manoeuvre: A forgotten method. Natl Med J India 2021;34:121

  20. Mistry, J., Vaishnav A, Mistry, D. Isolated Complex Esophageal Barotrauma Following Blunt Chest Injury—a Rarity. Indian J Surg (2020).

  21. Mistry J. Put your Own Oxygen Mask Before Helping Others [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 26]. Indian J Surg. 2020;1. doi:10.1007/s12262-020-02490-7

  22. Mistry J, Mehta S, Shah V. Retro-mesocolic Appendix: a Diagnostic Dilemma and Surgical Difficulty. Indian J Surg (2020).

  23. ?Esophagectomy? in text book of Surgical gastroenterology edited by Dr. S. Haribhakti

  24. Mistry J, Rao S. Trousseau’s Sign in a Patient with a Proximal High-Output Small-Bowel Stoma. Indian J Surg (2020).

  25. Mistry J. Multidisciplinary Team Approach in India—Think Globally but Act Locally. Indian J Surg (2020).

  26. Mistry, J., Rao, S. & Mistry, D. Single-Stage Treatment for Portal Biliopathy in Selected Cases. Indian J Surg (2021).

  27. Mistry, J., Mistry, D., Salvi, P. et al. Aberrant Isolated Segment V Duct: a Rare Anomaly and Cholecystectomy. Indian J Surg (2021).

  28. Jitendra Mistry. Segment 4 Base and Right Posterior Pedicle: a Safe Zone of Dissection Is an Answer to the Illusion in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Indian Journal of Surgery 2021; doi: 10.1007/s12262-021-02917-9

  29. Mistry, J., Shah, V. & Mistry, D. Tumor Thrombus in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: a Breaking Bad. Indian J Surg (2021).

  30. Mistry, J., Rao, S. & Vala, H. Our Experience of Zero Bile Duct Injury in Consecutive 427 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies: a Safe Zone of Dissection in Reference to Right Posterior Pedicle. Indian J Surg (2021).

  31. Brahmbhatt S, Mistry J, Patel Y, Shah J. Delayed vaginal vault dehiscence with irreducible omental prolapsed after laparoscopic hysterectomy. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. 21st August 2021. Epub Ahead of Print.

  32. Jitendra Mistry1, Prashant Buch2, Udayan Kacchi3, Rakesh Vaidya.4 Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas: Two Cases with Review of Literature. Tropical Gastroenterology Vol.41, No.3, July - September 2020

  33. Mistry, J., Mistry, D. Online Selling of Medical Practice: a Dignified Professional or an Ordinary Vendor. Indian J Surg (2022).

  34. Mistry, J., Mistry, D., Buch, P. et al. Left Lobe Atrophy in Portal Biliopathy: a Blessing in Disguise. Indian J Surg (2022).

Book chapter/pamphlet

  1. Audit of Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation, 2012, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

  2. MRI in GI surgery” in text book of Surgical gastroenterology edited by Dr. S. Haribhakti

  3. Esophagectomy” in text book of Surgical gastroenterology edited by Dr. S. Haribhakti

  4. Diaphragmatic hernia” in textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, edited by Dr S. Haribhakti

  5. History and current scenario in laparoscopic colorectal surgery” in textbook on laparoscopic colorectal surgery by Dr S. Haribhakti

Oral presentations in conferences

  1. Atypical presentation of AV fistula” in VSICON 2007, 14th national conference of vascular society of India in October 2007 at Baroda, Gujarat.

  2. Open versus laparoscopic cystogastrostomy in treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst” in GUJSURCON 2007, 34th annual conference of GSSA at Patan, Gujarat.

  3. Quality of life after Whipple’s procedure: an underused parameter for long term outcomes after Whipple’s procedure” in IASGCON 2012, XXII National Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology 2012, Bengluru, India.

  4. Esophageal complex barotrauma with multiple esophageal tears following blunt chest injury” in International conference on esophagus and stomach India 2018, Chennai, India

  5. Surgical management of corrosive esophageal stricture: my experience and lessons learnt” in International conference on esophagus and stomach India 2018, Chennai, India

Poster presentations in conferences

  1. ILTS 2011, Annual International Congress of International Liver Transplant Society, held in May 2011, Spain (one) (a).Determinants of cost in living donor liver transplantation

  2. IASGCON 2011, XXII National Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology, Jaipur, India (2) (a).Percutaneous transhepatic hepaticogastrostomy for portal biliopathy (b).Importance of bactibilia in outcomes following Whipple’s procedure

  3. ILTS 2012, Annual International Congress of International Liver Transplant Society, held in May 2012, San Francisco, California, USA (1) (a).New onset diabetes after liver transplantation

  4. IASGCON 2012, XXII National Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology, Bengluru, India (3) (a).Pancreatic fistula following Whipple’s procedure: predictors and outcomes (b).Primary hepatic GIST: a case report (c).Diabetes after liv

  5. IASGCON 2014 at Ahmedabad, India (a).Nissen’s fundoplication in patients with cerebral palsy (b)ICU readmission in GI surgical patients: predictors and outcomes

  6. IASGCON 2016 at Coimbtore, India (a).Management of complete pancreatic transaction: lesions learnt

  7. LAPCON 2018

  8. LAPCON 2019


  10. Mallya A, Mistry J, Rao PS, Nath B, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. Determinants of cost in living donor liver transplant. Liver Transplantation. 2011;17:S1-155

  11. Mallya A, Rao PS, Nath B, Mistry J, Varma V, Mehta N, Nundy S, Kumaran V: The Economics of Liver transplantation in India-How much does it cost and what drives it: Tropical Gastroenterology 2011;32 (S3):S44

  12. Mistry J, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. Importance of bactibilia in outcomes following pancreatoduodenectomy. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2011;32 (S3):S 90-91

Oral video presentations in conference

  1. Laparoscopic fundoplication in patients of GERD with Cerebral palsy in HERNIACON 2013 at Ahmedabad

  2. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy in patient with Leiomyosarcoma of pancreas: at GSSA state conference 2013 at Rajkot, Sept 2013

  3. Laparoscopic handsewn duodenojejunostomy in patient with SMA syndrome in ASICON 2013 at Ahmedabad, Dec 2013 and IASGCON 2014 at Ahmedabad

  4. Laparoscopic transhiatal repair of esophageal rupture in Boerhaave’s syndrome – our experience of 2 cases” in International conference on esophagus and stomach India 2018, Chennai, India

  5. Post Nissen’s fundoplication persistent dysphagia: laparoscopic conversion from complete wrap to partial wrap” in International conference on esophagus and stomach India 2018, Chennai, India

  6. Laparoscopic treatment of median arcuate ligament syndrome in Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference 2019, New Delhi

  7. Laparoscopic transhiatal repair of esophageal rupture in Boerhaave's syndrome - our experience of 2 cases in Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference 2019, New Delhi

  8. Splenectomy and proximal splenorenal shunt for non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference 2019, New Delhi

  9. Laparoscopic Heller's cardiomyotomy with Toupet fundoplication after failed pneumatic dilatations in Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference 2019, New Delhi

  10. Laparoscopic CBD exploration and choledochoduodenostomy” in LAPCON 2019, Vadodara.

  11. Laparoscopic Splenectomy” in LAPCON 2019, Vadodara.

  12. Laparoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy” in LAPCON 2019, Vadodara.

Live surgery performed at conferences

  1. Laparoscopic total colectomy for ulcerative colitis at GUJRAT Gastro conference, Surat

  2. Laparoscopic appendectomy at Rajkot

Presentations as faculty in conferences and CMEs

  1. “Case capsule presentation of a case of Ca rectum with liver metastasis” in Colorectal master class at Mehsana water park, Gujarat, Nov 2013

  2. “Recurrent acute pancreatitis” at IHPBA mid-term conference at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, April 2014

  3. Patan Medical Association at Patan: “An Approach to A Patient with Surgical Jaundice”

  4. Lunawada Medical Association at Lunawada: “Approach to patient with Jaundice”

  5. Junagadh Medical Association at Junagadh: “Liver cancer”

  6. Veraval Medical Association at Veraval on “Pancreatic cancer”

  7. Maninagar medical circle at Maninagar, Ahmedabad: “Overview of GI surgery”

  8. Dakor Medical council at Dakor on “Gastroesophageal reflux disease and acid peptic disease”

  9. Zydus Hospital, Anand on "Liver Tumours" in 2015

  10. Moderated panel discussion on "Nutrition in Surgical practice", organised by Baroda Laparoscopy Hospital in 2015.

  11. Moderated panel discussion on "Fistulising Crohn's disease" at IBD Update 2015 at Ahmedabad.

  12. Moderated panel discussion on "Management of Chronic Pancreatitis" organised by Baroda Surgeon's Association under IHPBA India in 2015.

  13. Moderated panel discussion on "Bile duct injuries" at LAPCON 2016 at Baroda organised by Baroda Surgeon's Association.

  14. Presented on "Surgical management of ulcerative colitis" at conference on Colorectal diseases, organised by Muni Sevashram Cancer Institute, Goraj, at Baroda.

  15. Presented on “Achalasia cardia: which procedure to choose, baloon dilatation, POEM of Heller’s cardiomyotomy? at Kaizencon 2018

  16. Moderated panel discussion on “Gastroesophageal reflux disease” in LAPCON 2018, Vadodara

  17. Presented “Laparoscopic splenectomy” in LAPCON 2019, Vadodara

Conferences/CME/Workshops attended

  1. National CME of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology on pancreatic diseases in 24th April 2005 at Baroda.

  2. CME on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment awareness by National AIDS Control Organization and India Medical Association in September 2006 at Baroda.

  3. Training workshop on Disaster Preparedness & Updates in Emergency Medicine (ATLS) by Indian Red Cross Society, Flyingdoc India Foundation, Life Supporters

  4. VSICON 2007, 14th National conference of vascular society of India in October 2007, Baroda, Gujarat.

  5. GUJSURGCON-2007, 34TH Annual Conference of GSSA and 9TH Annual Conference of GSC-ASI, Patan, Gujarat.

  6. ADLAP 2008, workshop on laparoscopic surgery, May 2008, Baroda, Gujarat.

  7. AMASI 2008, 9th AMASI skill course, October 2008, Baroda, Gujarat.

  8. International Liver Symposium, organized by Medanta institute of Liver transplantation at Gurgaon, held in Aug 2011.

  9. 22nd annual conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, held in October 2011, New Delhi.

  10. Midterm INASL Meet 2011 “Recent Advances in Hepatology for Clinician”, held in October 2011, New Delhi.

  11. XXI National Indian association of Surgical Gastroenterology conference, IASGCON held in October 2011, Jaipur.

  12. 18th Annual International Congress of International Liver Transplant Society, held in May 2012, San Francisco, California, USA

  13. CME postgraduate course by Liver transplantation society of Turkey in June 2012, at Turgut Ozal medical center, Inonu university Malatya, Turkey.

  14. XXII National Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology conference, IASGCON 2012, Bengluru

  15. “Minimal invasive technology and laparoscopic surgery training” organized by Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education, in April 2013 at EISE, Delhi.

  16. GUJSURGCON-2013, Annual Conference of GSSA and Annual Conference of GSC-ASI, Rajkot, Gujarat in Sept 2014

  17. Colorectal master class at Mehasana water park in

  18. AMASICON 2013, 8th International congress of association of minimal access surgeons of India, at Indore, August 2013

  19. CME on GI imaging by Gujarat gastro group and Indian Radiology and Imaging Assocation (Gujarat Chapter) at Ahmedabad, August 2013

  20. Workshop on single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILS) held in May 2013 at Kaizen hospital, Ahmedabad.

  21. Workshop on ICH-GCP & ICMR Guidelines, certificate training, at Kaizen Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, August 2013

  22. ASICON 2013, an annual conference of association of surgeons of India at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Dec 2013

  23. HPBA 11th Annual conference of Indian chapter of International hepato-pancreato biliary association 2014 at Mumbai, January 2014

  24. Medical writing workshop at IHPBA Indian chapter 11th Annual conference at Mumbai, January 2014

  25. AMASI skill course at BHU, Varanasi in August 2014

  26. HPB surgery course at AIIMS in August 2014

  27. Liver Update 2014 Organised by Sterling Hospital, at Ahmedabad, Sept 2014

  28. IASGCON 2014 at Ahmedabad, 2nd to 5th October 2014

  29. IHPBA 2015 at Mumbai

  30. AMASICON 2015 at Mumbai

  31. IASGCON 2015 at Pune

  32. ACRSICON 2015 at New Delhi

  33. IHPBA 2016 at Ahmedabad, 29th to 31st January

  34. LAPCON 2016 at Baroda

  35. IASGCON 2016 at Coimbtore

  36. IASGCON 2017 at PGI Chandigarh

  37. IASGCON 2016 at AIIMS, New Delhi

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